This week I had my final interview for Forward Film's feature in Sage magazine and a "virtual photoshoot" over face time which I guess is how companies are adapting to the social distancing. I am the most awkward person ever so it was a weird experience for me but it taught me a lot about putting on a good face and pushing through parts of business that make you nervous. I'm excited for what it will bring for the future of Forward Films and I got to meet a lot of inspiring people and learn about how different sustainable projects are adapting to the quarantine.

For community outreach, I have one more project this month. Sponsoring the southbury victory garden campaign. Through social media promotion and a final video, Forward Films is partnering with Sustainable Southbury to encourage citizens in the town to start there own composting and edible gardens during quarantine.

I also started my template for the project value and pitch, I'm new to doing a pitch at expo so I took some time to reflect what exactly I'm going to say. Like most parts of my life, my project goes in a lot of directions and I have to make sure i'm highlighting the right pieces. I really want to enjoy the process as much I as I can and to be honest I am avoiding finishing it too early because I have really liked rolling with my idea this year. I've dedicated the last few days to reflection on these next few steps so I can put my best forward and enjoy what is left of expo prep.....also because it's really nice out : )

All the pieces are coming together and I really see the end of the project. It's been a little sad this week running out things to create but it's given me time to reflect on the process. I have a few components I will need to perfect this week but it's also got me thinking on how I can forward this project post expo. With everything still going on, at home films would be a great adaption to my company that I can continue to create to influence others. I also think I can create videos about the eco production methods I have incorporated in my green book.