This week I was able to contact a friend of mine from Southern College to get access to a film on set. He referred me to his friend Will, who is a film major at Southern. I called him and he said he’s working on a few month project that I could perform my case study on. He also added me to the writing group and said I could be part of that process and try and work in my outreach initiative into the script.

Getting access to the set was a big accomplishment in the foundations of my project and I’m really excited to work with Will and his crew. In preparation for my upcoming case study I have also been working on my green book. I modified my timeline because I over estimated my progress at this point. But with revisions, I’m on a good track and next week I should be outlining my green film certification. I’m really excited to move on to this point because my mentors at Sustainable Southbury will be helpful and motivated to review my certification, based on there experience with Connecticut’s green town certification. Things are all set !! Till next time #collaboration #communication #outreach #motivation #excitement