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The Biggest Pivot Ever.

Writer: Forward FilmsForward Films

Updated: May 9, 2020

Well this week has been kinda a set back..... Due to the Corona virus most of Connecticut has been cancelled. It took me some time to let this set in, as a senior I've had a lot going on, a lot of it that influences my capstone project, but everything pretty much everything has been cancelled. I usually keep a good head about setbacks but I have definitely been lost this week in a lot of ways..

The biggest effect on my Capstone project is both my films got cancelled. The April Hartford Strike and Sunrise Movement meetings have been cancelled, Southern closed so my case study film is postposed until further notice, and my second green film showing with Sustainable Southbury has also been postponed until further notice. This will definitely effect the impact of my project and I have been bummed to see the potential of these projects cancelled. However with everyone sitting at home, I'm making the biggest pivot ever. Like most media businesses at the moment I've got to suck it up and change my projection. Though it will be from home and I can't use the professional equipment at school I am going to produce a film from home with accounts from different youth at home. This will start to work towards strengthening my film package but I've still got to find a new case study....from home. (The gears are turning project is still moving forward).

Working from home, I really don't have as clear as a head for projects in my life but we are pushing through. I was able to sketch some ideas out for the Forward Set and I am happy in the way it turned out. I have to practice my blender skills a little more but I am working on getting my structure into a digitalized 3D model. Another setback I have though is the VR. The software I was gonna use to code my walk-through set is on the computers at my schools, but I've starting some research this week.

As my teacher said this week...the pity party is over and I'm reading to start moving forward with THE BIGGEST PIVOT EVER.



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